Results for 'Hossein Asl Abdollahi'

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  1.  13
    Inner light =.Shihāb al-Dīn Kumījānī, Hossein Ziai & Muḥammad Karīmī Zanjānīʹaṣl - 2012 - Costa Mesa, California: Mazda Publishers. Edited by Hossein Ziai & Muḥammad Karīmī Zanjānīʹaṣl.
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    Risālah-ʼi sih aṣl.Muḥammad ibn Ibrāhīm Ṣadr al-Dīn Shīrāzī & Seyyed Hossein Nasr - 1998
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    Illuminationist texts and textual studies: essays in memory of Hossein Ziai.Hossein Ziai, Ahmed Alwishah, Ali Gheissari & John Walbridge (eds.) - 2017 - Boston: Brill.
    The late Professor Hossein Ziai's interests focused on the Illuminationist (Ishrāqī) tradition. Dedicated to his memory, this volume deals with the post-Avicennan philosophical tradition in Iran, and in particular the Illuminationist school and later philosophers, such as those associated with the School of Isfahan, who were fundamentally influenced by it. The focus of various chapters is on translations, editions, and close expositions of rationalist works in areas such as epistemology, logic and metaphysics rather than mysticism more generally, and also (...)
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  4. The Philosophy of Seyyed Hossein Nasr.Seyyed Hossein Nasr, Randall E. Auxier & Lucian W. Stone (eds.) - 2001 - Open Court.
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    Being in religion: a journey in ontology from pragmatics through hermeneutics to metaphysics.Asle Eikrem - 2013 - Tübingen: Mohr Siebeck.
    Asle Eikrem strives to develop a systematic philosophical understanding of the constitutive structures of religious discourses. Different philosophical traditions (phenomenology, hermeneutics, pragmatics, metaphysics or analytical philosophical thinking) have articulated these structures in their own distinctive ways. The author aims to show how insights from partly conflicting traditions can be coherently reconstructed within the framework of a comprehensive philosophical presentation. The central thesis guiding his work is inspired by the deep-metaphysics of German philosopher Lorenz B. Puntel, and states that the relation (...)
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  6. Counter-revolution and revolt in iran: An interview with iranian political scientist Hossein bashiriyeh.Hossein Bashiriyeh - 2010 - Constellations 17 (1):61-77.
  7. Hume’s Mystical Fideism: An Alternative Reading of His view on the Problem of Evil.Siamak Abdollahi - 2018 - پژوهشنامه فلسفه دین 15 (2):109-121.
    Close examination of the works of David Hume shows that his aim to explain the problem of evil is to attack natural theology and introduce it as a situation that is non-epistemological and unsystematic. So, contrary to what the majority of interpretations which typically express that he makes an argument against the existence of God, Hume wants to show that the statements of natural theology are rationally unprovable, and he does not want to totally decline them. As a matter of (...)
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    Seyyed Hossein Nasr, Religion and the Order of Nature.Seyyed Hossein Nasr - 1998 - International Journal for Philosophy of Religion 44 (2):124-126.
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  9. Intuiting Intuition: The Seeming Account of Moral Intuition.Hossein Dabbagh - 2018 - Croatian Journal of Philosophy 18 (1):117-132.
    In this paper, I introduce and elucidate what seems to me the best understanding of moral intuition with reference to the intellectual seeming account. First, I will explain Bengson’s (and Bealer’s) quasi-perceptualist account of philosophical intuition in terms of intellectual seeming. I then shift from philosophical intuition to moral intuition and will delineate Audi’s doxastic account of moral intuition to argue that the intellectual seeming account of intuition is superior to the doxastic account of intuition. Next, I argue that we (...)
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    The influential factors in humanistic critical care nursing.Somaye Mohamadi Asl, Mojgan Khademi & Eesa Mohammadi - 2022 - Nursing Ethics 29 (3):608-620.
    Background: One of the main concerns in critical care units is the development of humanistic approaches. In this regard, recognizing the factors affecting humanistic nursing can contribute to humanizing nursing care in these units. Objective: The objective was to recognize the influential factors of humanistic nursing in critical care units. Research design: This qualitative study was carried out using a phenomenology method. Thirty-nine in-depth unstructured interviews were performed. The data were analyzed using the phenomenological nursology approach. To guarantee trustworthiness, prolonged (...)
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  11. Computational Intelligence Part II Lecture 1: Identification Using Neural Networks.Farzaneh Abdollahi - 2009 - In L. Magnani (ed.), computational intelligence.
  12. The priority of existence: Sartre and heideggers perspective.Mohammad Ali Abdollahi - 2012 - پژوهشنامه فلسفه دین 1 (2):191-214.
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  13. Feeling Good: Integrating the Psychology and Epistemology of Moral Intuition and Emotion.Hossein Dabbagh - 2019 - Journal of Cognition and Neuroethics 3 (5):1-30.
    Is the epistemology of moral intuitions compatible with admitting a role for emotion? I argue in this paper that moral intuitions and emotions can be partners without creating an epistemic threat. I start off by offering some empirical findings to weaken Singer’s (and Greene’s and Haidt’s) debunking argument against moral intuition, which treat emotions as a distorting factor. In the second part of the paper, I argue that the standard contrast between intuition and emotion is a mistake. Moral intuitions and (...)
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    Kırılmalar, sınırlar, yolculuklar: sanat ve felsefe buluşması.Aslıhan Erkmen, Ayşe N. Erek & Nazlı Eda Noyan (eds.) - 2010 - Galatasaray, İstanbul: Arkeoloji ve Sanat Yayınları.
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    Anamorphosis: Symbolic Orders in The Handmaid’s Tale.Hossein Joodaki - 2015 - International Journal of Žižek Studies 9 (2).
    Margaret Atwood’s most distinguishing novel is The Handmaid’s tale. The novel has two narrators. First, the story is told in the first person through the eyes of a protagonist and ostensible narrator called Offred. Atwood describes the course of Offred’s daily life under the oppressive regime of a patriarchal theocracy governed by religious fundamentalists. Second, the entire meaning of Offred’s story is altered by the thirteen-page appendix ‘Historical notes on The Handmaid’s Tale’ narrated by Professor Pieixoto. He shocks and disorients (...)
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    Saygı Ölçeğinin Geçerlilik ve Güvenilirlik Çalışması.Aslı Yazici - 2015 - Journal of Turkish Studies 10 (Volume 10 Issue 14):769-769.
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  17. Shihab al-Din Suhrawardi: founder of the Illuminationist school.Hossein Ziai - 1996 - In Oliver Leaman & Seyyed Hossein Nasr (eds.), The History of Islamic Philosophy. New York: Routledge. pp. 434--464.
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    Unethical Postgraduate Supervision.Hossein Yahaghi, Shahryar Sorooshian & Javad Yahaghi - 2017 - Science and Engineering Ethics 23 (2):629-630.
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  19. Trusting Our Selves to Technology.Asle H. Kiran & Peter-Paul Verbeek - 2010 - Knowledge, Technology & Policy 23 (3):409-427.
    Trust is a central dimension in the relation between human beings and technologies. In many discourses about technology, the relation between human beings and technologies is conceptualized as an external relation: a relation between pre-given entities that can have an impact on each other but that do not mutually constitute each other. From this perspective, relations of trust can vary between _reliance_, as is present for instance in technological extensionism, and _suspicion_, as in various precautionary approaches in ethics that focus (...)
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    Quine on the Indeterminacy of Translation: A Dilemma for Davidson.Ali Hossein Khani - 2018 - Dialectica 72 (1):101-120.
    Davidson has always been explicit in his faithful adherence to the main doctrines of Quine’s philosophy of language, among which the indeterminacy of translation thesis is significant. For Quine, the indeterminacy of translation has considerable ontological consequences, construed as leading to a sceptical conclusion regarding the existence of fine-grained meaning facts. Davidson’s suggested reading of Quine’s indeterminacy arguments seems to be intended to block any such sceptical consequences. According to this reading, Quine’s arguments at most yield the conclusion that there (...)
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  21. Subjective Holism and the Problem of Consciousness.Siamak Abdollahi & Mansour Nasiri - 2024 - Journal of Philosophical Theological Research 26 (3):135-150.
    How does unconscious matter become conscious? How does our physical part, which lacks consciousness, have such a subjective quality? This is the explanatory gap in the problem of consciousness or the hard problem of consciousness which comes from a physicalist (eliminativist physicalism) point of view. From the opposite point of view, i.e. dualism, the mind-body problem has led to the problem of consciousness and the explanation of how our unconscious physical (matter) part (substance) is related to our conscious mental part (...)
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  22. Aslı Erdoğan tells the story of 136 days in prison.Ayşe Arman & Aslı Erdoğan - 2018 - In Gurur Ertem & Sandra Noeth (eds.), Bodies of evidence: ethics, aesthetics, and politics of movement. Vienna: Passagen Verlag.
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    Atatürk Döneminde Romanya'dan Türk Göçleri Ve Göçmenlerin Türkiyede İskanları.Aslı Arslan - 2014 - Journal of Turkish Studies 9 (Volume 9 Issue 4):31-31.
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    Is it really about being british?Hossein Dabbagh - 2021 - Think 20 (58):69-73.
    In this short piece, I argue in favour of the practice of imagining ‘others’ in a global way and taking universal moral thinking seriously. We are in need of a sense of global identity which can then create global moral thinking. In this way, we can start to see and treat global challenges, such as the environment, social justice, poverty, racism and Covid-19, more effectively.
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    Guidelines for Logic Education.Asl Commitee on Logic And EducatiOn - 1995 - Bulletin of Symbolic Logic 1 (1):4-7.
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    Kearney on the possibility and actuality of God – critical remarks.Asle Eikrem - 2012 - Neue Zeitschrift für Systematicsche Theologie Und Religionsphilosophie 54 (2):197-204.
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    Talking seriously about God: philosophy of religion in the dispute between theism and atheism.Asle Eikrem & Atle Ottesen Søvik (eds.) - 2016 - Wien: Lit.
    Talk about God is often the source of controversy. Theists and atheists are equally passionate when making their stand for or against belief in God. In this book, a wide range of philosophers of religion have come together to discuss how serious talk about God ought to be conducted for theists and atheists alike in what should be their common pursuit for truth. The essays both address methodological questions and provide a range of concrete samples of serious God-talk, spanning from (...)
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    The Use of Big Data via 5G to Alleviate Symptoms of Acute Stress Disorder Caused by Quarantine Measures.Hossein Hassani, Nadejda Komendantova, Stephan Unger & Fatemeh Ghodsi - 2022 - Frontiers in Psychology 12:569024.
    This article investigates the role of Big Data in situations of psychological stress such as during the recent pandemic caused by the COVID-19 health crisis. Quarantine measures, which are necessary to mitigate pandemic risk, are causing severe stress symptoms to the human body including mental health. We highlight the most common impact factors and the uncertainty connected with COVID-19, quarantine measures, and the role of Big Data, namely, how Big Data can help alleviate or mitigate these effects by comparing thestatus (...)
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    Religion and the Order of Nature: The 1994 Cadbury Lectures.Seyyed Hossein Nasr - 1996 - New York: Oxford University Press USA.
    "The most comprehensive and intelligent treatment of [religious ecology]....Nasr is one of the major intellects of our day."--Huston Smith, University of California, Berkeley.
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    L'acte De Refus Et La Politesse İnterculturelle Dans L'enseignement Du Fle.Aslıhan Kanmaz - 2013 - Journal of Turkish Studies 8 (Volume 8 Issue 10):343-343.
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    Fairness Issues in Educational Assessment.Hossein Karami (ed.) - 2016 - Routledge.
    Fairness and ethicality have been at the center of the debates on the appropriate use of educational tests since the 1960s. Particularly in high-stakes contexts, it is clear that fairness should be a major concern to both the test developers, and to those being tested, given that the fairness of a test is so intertwined with its validity. Fairness Issues in Educational Assessment aims to shed more light on the issue and bring to sight some of the ways in which (...)
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  32. Epiktetus’çu Eğitimde Erdemli İnsan.Aslı Yazici & Aslı Yazıcı - forthcoming - Felsefe Dünyasi.
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    Varoluşsal di̇n felsefesi̇ne gi̇ri̇ş.Aslıhan Özler - 2016 - Sakarya Üniversitesi İlahiyat Fakültesi Dergisi 17 (32).
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    Kripke’s Wittgenstein’s Sceptical Solution and Donald Davidson’s Philosophy of Language.Ali Hossein Khani - 2017 - Dissertation, University of Otago
    This thesis is an attempt to investigate the relation between the views of Wittgenstein as presented by Kripke and Donald Davidson on meaning and linguistic understanding. Kripke’s Wittgenstein, via his sceptical argument, argues that there is no fact about which rule a speaker is following in using a linguistic expression. Now, if one urges that meaning something by a word is essentially a matter of following one rule rather than another, the sceptical argument leads to the radical sceptical conclusion that (...)
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    Patient dignity and its related factors in heart failure patients.Hossein Bagheri, Farideh Yaghmaei, Tahereh Ashktorab & Farid Zayeri - 2012 - Nursing Ethics 19 (3):316-327.
    Maintenance and promotion of patient dignity is an ethical responsibility of healthcare workers. The aim of this study was to investigate patient dignity and related factors in patients with heart failure. In this qualitative study, 22 patients with heart failure were chosen by purposive sampling and semi-structured interviews were conducted until data saturation. Factors related to patient dignity were divided into two main categories: patient/care index and resources. Intrapersonal features (inherent characteristics and individual beliefs) and interpersonal interactions (communication, respect, enough (...)
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    Approaches to Muslim Biomedical Ethics: A Classification and Critique.Hossein Dabbagh, S. Yaser Mirdamadi & Rafiq R. Ajani - 2023 - Journal of Bioethical Inquiry 20 (2):327-339.
    This paper provides a perspective on where contemporary Muslim responses to biomedical-ethical issues stand to date. There are several ways in which Muslim responses to biomedical ethics can and have been studied in academia. The responses are commonly divided along denominational lines or under the schools of jurisprudence. All such efforts classify the responses along the lines of communities of interpretation rather than the methods of interpretation. This research is interested in the latter. Thus, our criterion for classification is the (...)
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  37. Davidson on Pure Intending: A Non-Reductionist Judgement-Dependent Account.Ali Hossein Khani - 2022 - Dialogue 61 (2):369-391.
    RésuméJe soutiendrai que la façon dont Davidson rend compte de l'intention pure peut être comprise comme une analyse de l'intention comme étant relative à un jugement dans une perspective en première personne. Selon Davidson, avoir la pure intention de faire A, c'est formuler un jugement tout bien considéré qu'il est désirable de faire A. Dans cette analyse anti-réductionniste, l'intention est traitée comme un état irréductible du sujet. J’établirai une comparaison entre cette analyse et celle de Wright et je montrerai comment (...)
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    Evolutionary theodicies – an attempt to overcome some impasses.Asle Eikrem & Atle Ottesen Søvik - 2018 - Neue Zeitschrift für Systematicsche Theologie Und Religionsphilosophie 60 (3):428-434.
    Summary Mats Wahlberg argues that evolutionary theodicies fail to show how an evolutionary process was necessary in order to reach the goal God is said to have had when creating our world. The authors of this article argue that Wahlberg‘s critique fails if one takes into consideration the distinction between type- and token-values. The question that guides Wahlberg‘s discussion is whether or not unique type-values require an evolution in order to be instantiated or not. He does not, however, discuss whether (...)
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    Patients' perception of dignity in Iranian healthcare settings: a qualitative content analysis: Table 1.Hossein Ebrahimi, Camellia Torabizadeh, Eesa Mohammadi & Sousan Valizadeh - 2012 - Journal of Medical Ethics 38 (12):723-728.
    Next SectionPurpose The importance of recognising patient dignity has been realised in recent years. Despite being a central phenomenon in medicine, dignity is a controversial concept, the definition of which in healthcare centres is influenced by a multitude of factors. The aim of this study was to explore the perspective of Iranian patients on respect for their dignity in healthcare centres. Methods With the use of purposeful sampling, 20 patients were interviewed over an 11-month period in three educational hospitals affiliated (...)
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    N'ayez pas peur-- de croire.Robert Hossein - 2007 - Paris: JC Lattès. Edited by Delphine de Malherbe.
    La rencontre de deux façons de croire transgressives, le moment pour Robert Hossein de partager les fruits de sa quête : " Il y a un âge, confie-t-il, où l'on a tout à redistribuer. " Croire, c'est moderne, rock'n roll, et quelquefois salvateur. Au fil de ce récit en forme de confidences croisées, Robert Hossein et Delphine de Malherbe nous invitent à renouer avec le spirituel dans cette société cynique, violente. Ils abordent avec émotion les grands thèmes qui (...)
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  41. The Root of the Third Dogma of Empiricism: Davidson vs. Quine on Factualism.Ali Hossein Khani - 2023 - Acta Analytica 38 (1):161-183.
    Davidson has famously argued that conceptual relativism, which, for him, is based on the content-scheme dualism, or the “third dogma” of empiricism, is either unintelligible or philosophically uninteresting and has accused Quine of holding onto such a dogma. For Davidson, there can be found no intelligible ground for the claim that there may exist untranslatable languages: all languages, if they are languages, are in principle inter-translatable and uttered sentences, if identifiable as utterances, are interpretable. Davidson has also endorsed the Quinean (...)
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  42. Allameh Hilli and Thomas Aquinas on semantics of divine attributes.Hasan Abasi Hossein Abadi - 2015 - پژوهشنامه فلسفه دین 12 (2):91-108.
    One of the major issues in the names and attributes of God, is the semantic interpretation of how to interpret and apply the concepts and predicates that talk about God. A historical survey proves that Imami theologians’ theological views are derived from the Qur'an and hadith. The Quran ascribed some attributes to God that prompted scholars to discuss and analyze the applicability of these concepts to God; accordingly, different views emerged Including Allameh Hilli’s apophaticism which is similar to the apophatic–cataphatic (...)
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    The Satirical Poems in Müteferrik't Part of the Dîv'n Of L'mi'î Chelebi.Aslı Aytaç - 2011 - Journal of Turkish Studies 6:75-86.
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    Relationship between illness-related worries and social dignity in patients with heart failure.Hossein Bagheri, Farideh Yaghmaei, Tahereh Ashktorab & Farid Zayeri - 2018 - Nursing Ethics 25 (5):618-627.
    Background: Heart failure is a major growing problem and affects not only patients but also their families and community networks and reduces the functional capacity of patients and impairs their social life. Research questions: This study was conducted to investigate relationship between illness-related worries and social dignity in patients with heart failure. Design: The study had a descriptive-analytic design, and data collection was carried out by means of two specific questionnaires. Participants and context: A total of 130 inpatients from cardiac (...)
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    Some Recent Analyses of the Concept of majāz in Islamic JurisprudenceSome Recent Analyses of the Concept of majaz in Islamic Jurisprudence.Hossein Modarressi - 1986 - Journal of the American Oriental Society 106 (4):787.
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    First principles molecular dynamics studies of elastic constants, ideal tensile strength, chemistry of crack initiation, and surface and cohesive energies in amorphous silicon.Hossein M. Shodja, Maryam Tabatabaei & Keivan Esfarjani - 2014 - Philosophical Magazine 94 (25):2913-2936.
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    Viva Delay.Hossein Yahaghi, Shahryar Sorooshian & Javad Yahaghi - 2017 - Science and Engineering Ethics 23 (3):945-946.
    The time delay between submission of a thesis and Viva Voce is intolerable for students. This letter tries to draw the readers’ attention to the effect of choosing the right examiner, in order to reduce the Viva Voce delay.
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    Psychological Function of Religious Practices.Hossein Yousofi - 2012 - Iamure International Journal of Literature, Philosophy and Religion 1 (1).
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    Responsible Design. A Conceptual Look at Interdependent Design–Use Dynamics.Asle H. Kiran - 2012 - Philosophy and Technology 25 (2):179-198.
    This article investigates the conceptual foundations of technological innovation and development projects that aim to bring ethical and social issues into the design stage. Focusing on the ethics and social impact of technological innovation and development has been somewhat of a trend lately, for instance in ELSA research and in such initiatives as the Dutch Responsible Innovation programme. I argue that in order to succeed in doing social responsible and ethical sound design, a proper understanding of the relation between technology (...)
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    Talking about ‘Fairness’ in Football and Politics: The Case of Navad.Hossein Dabbagh & Andrew Edgar - 2020 - Sport, Ethics and Philosophy 14 (3):401-414.
    We argue that sport in general, and association football in particular, are activities that invite spectators and players alike to talk about them. Using a Wittgensteinian approach, we argued more...
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